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Exhibit > Exhibitor's Memo

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Venue: National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), NECC(Shanghai)
Address: West gate: No. 1888 Zhuguang Rd. (by Metro);
        North gate: No. 333 Songze Ave. (by car)
           South gate: Ease Yinggang Road.(by car)

Hall division: Overseas Pavilion at NH, Hall 3, Hall 4.1
                 Domestic Pavilion at Hall1.1, Hall2.1, Hall 5.1, Hall 6.1

Where to find exhibits:

Hall 1.1: Domestic Fragrances, Flavors and Condiments Pavilion

Hall 2.1: Natural & Functional Product

North Hall(NH): Overseas Pavilion

Hall 3:   Overseas Pavilion

Hall 4.1: Overseas Pavilion 

Hall 5.1: Domestic Comprehensive Products Pavilion, Domestic Machinery & Testing Devices Pavilion

Hall 6.1:  Domestic Comprehensive Products Pavilion

     Please refer to official information on FIC App if there is any change to the following info.

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For more information,Please Scan and Download the  FIC  APP

CFAA—China Food Additives & Ingredients Association Rm. 1402, Tower C Vantone, No. 6A, Chaowai Street, Beijing 100020, China TEL: ++ 86 10 59795833 FAX: ++ 86 10 59071335 59071336