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FIC 2018 Bigger Space, Deeper Scope

FIC 2018 Bigger Space, Deeper Scope

Food Ingredients China 2018 (FIC 2018) will open from March 22 to 24 in 2018 at National Exhibition and Convention Center, Shanghai (NECCS). The exhibiting space will expand by nearly 10%, and hit a new high! By deeper division of products into special exhibition areas, FIC 2018 will build up a more professional purchasing and communicating platform with a larger scale, deeper professional division and higher quality.

FIC 2018 Preview

To meet needs of exhibitors and visitors and demands of the market,

FIC 2018 will open a new Hall W Hall with an extra 10,000 sqm exhibiting space (close to 5.2 Hall), which will be more convenient for professional visitors. Therefore, the total exhibiting space of FIC 2018 will reach 116,000 sqm. As the spotlight of FIC 2018, W Hall will display natural, functional, health care products and extracts to strongly promote the development of health care and functional food up and down the industrial chain.

With the expansion of exhibiting space and deeper division of exhibits, FIC2018 will further expand the overseas pavilion and machinery & equipment zone. There will be 5 professional exhibition areasoverseas pavilion, comprehensive products zone, flavors, fragrances & Condiments zone, machinery and food safety testing equipment zone, natural products, extracts, functional ingredients and health care food zone, which then will bring visitors a new look and fantastic experience.

More exciting activities during the show

Academician Forum on Innovative development of Food Industry will be held by Chinese Food Additive and Ingredients Association. Academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering will deliver speeches on how to promote development of food industry though innovation and share authoritative views and results.

Meanwhile, the 2nd edition of Made in China,2025, High-level Forum on Food Equipment Manufacturing—Made in China will be themed on Promoting Technological Innovation and Development through Technical Equipment Upgrading. Lectures on Laws, Regulations and Standards of China, Japan, Korea and USA will be delivered by experts from both home and abroad to give authoritative interpretation of relevant laws, regulations and standards regarding food additives, nutrition enhancers, health products and novel food raw materials, etc.

A series of Technical seminars will be held by exhibitors to release their latest R&D achievements on both products and technologies.

Till now, all the booths in the Overseas Pavilion have been sold out and the booth sale of Domestic Pavilion is near closing.

FIC2018 invites you to attend a more international and professional global show in the food industry.


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